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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-03-09 00:35 | Report Abuse

aiyo why not send these fellas to Sabah to fight the sulus? so ganas :(


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 00:39 | Report Abuse

adek iafx, kita spatutnya blh dpt kereta yg lbh bkualiti dgn harga lbh rendah.
perlu bayar lebih skdr utk kayakan kroni UMNO.
Ramai2 kita kempen TURUNKAN HARGA KERETA!!!!!




2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 00:48 | Report Abuse

Rakyat Malaysia tpaksa membayar harga kereta 200%-300% dari harga asal. Sampai bila nak terus diperbodoh UMNO/BN??

Kita spatutnya blh dpt kereta yg lbh bkualiti dgn harga lbh rendah.
X perlu bayar lebih skdr utk kayakan kroni UMNO.
Ramai2 kita kempen TURUNKAN HARGA KERETA!!!!!




2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 00:52 | Report Abuse

Kerana BN, harga Barang Naik



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 00:58 | Report Abuse

Pbodoh2kan org Malaysia


haa haa haa


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:03 | Report Abuse

Income Vs Harga Rumah
Hidup yg makin thimpit


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:14 | Report Abuse

i do worry for you bingo. Can you take it in the event BN wins the election?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:30 | Report Abuse

KC Loh , worry not as I don't think BN can win ...unless Phantom Voters. haa haa haa...you all know lah, no need for me to explain lah


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:32 | Report Abuse

KCLoh for the last GE, I hope for a fall of BN/UMNO and it never came. But this time, it will COME!!!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:34 | Report Abuse

this time around the Malaysian people are MORE UNITED to kick out BN/UMNO lah

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:34 | Report Abuse

ok bingo. Just say your piece and allow others to make their decision! I am sure people can think for themselves from your fact findings and good postings! I can understand your frustrations, believe me!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:36 | Report Abuse

brother KC Loh, for the past decade I & you already had to bear the brunt of mamakutty dictatorship, what's more worse than this?????

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:36 | Report Abuse

mann... you type fast! :)


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:39 | Report Abuse

brother KC Loh, the Malaysians are more wiser now as we have the internet whereas before we had to depend on the BN/UMNO propaganda machines like TV3, STAR, Utusan , etc, etc

Dulu lain sekarang lain.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:41 | Report Abuse

yeah, unfortunately, both of us could not vote Mahathir out! i was disappointed with Mahathir in 1996 telling Chinese to get out of the country if not happy. But this time is Najib, and not 89 y.o. Mahathir!

and in choosing a captain to steer our ship/economy, i think Najib is a safer bet! Anwar is already caught going against their own manifesto about the issue of Lynas! mere two weeks! Indeed, the warning from his former inner sanctum, Chandra Muzzafar rings true. Anwar is a chameleon!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:42 | Report Abuse

ok, enough for today until I find new materials for all.....good morning brother KCLoh, got to sleep now...adios!!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:44 | Report Abuse

KCLoh, you still beleive in this Ah Jib Kor, NOT me & most of my friends including professionals lah. Jus remember the keris incident and you know what Ah Jib is like.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:47 | Report Abuse

ha , this Chandra Muzzafar, he goes to which side the bread is buttered.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:48 | Report Abuse

you know speaking of internet and the power of dissemination of information, i like your comment on something i just read (and yes, i know this is a pro-BN blog :)). Did the youtube.com expose Anwar ordered the stampede and thus breaking the law or not? I must admit, this "Jonathan Smith" writes very well!

Denied the banner of the martyr, stripped of the mantle of reformer, Anwar had no political weapons left. This, says Smith, is what led to Bersih 3.0.

Left with nothing else, Anwar once again turned to street violence. He loosed his Bersih lap-dogs once again, certain that another CNN moment was coming.

But April 2012 was not September 1998, or even July 2011. What could have turned into a moment for Al-Jazeera to record running battles with the police instead became a chance to photograph police taking flowers from protesters. When Anwar signalled to Azmin and – surely entirely coincidentally – the protesters broke through the police barricades, surely the old fox thought he'd triumphed again.

There was no YouTube in 1998, and so Anwar's gesture raced across the globe in a way his previous antics had not. He could no longer be the victim, no longer the martyr, and now not even the innocent. The Voice of Democracy was now a mere street thug, and his coalition was tearing itself to shreds.

Source: http://www.thechoice.my/top-stories/64182-the-i-files-comes-to-a-finale-anwars-final-fall-from-grace


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:48 | Report Abuse

Before I had great respect for this polio stricken Chandra Muzzafar, no now, not anymore, now tomorrow or the future too, period.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:49 | Report Abuse

good night Bingo. I still consider you a good bro, despite differing views :)

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 01:50 | Report Abuse

yeah, dirty fight all the way, i think we both can agree la!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:53 | Report Abuse

brother KC Loh , now really tired and need a few more hours of good sleep & rest before heading to downtown to enjoy some shopping & good makan....of course not with BR1M 1 or BR1M 2 but with my own hard earned money lah, haa haa haa


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 01:54 | Report Abuse

good morning brother KCLoh, sleep well, cheers & do take care too.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 02:05 | Report Abuse

haha.. ok bro. I didn't get BR1M too! down with Najib! LOL

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 05:17 | Report Abuse

gosh... the way she talks, and if she is advising the MCA think-tanks, siap ta-pau CSL! no confidence portrayed at all! Can even see Anne switched off halfway! LOL



4,632 posts

Posted by iafx > 2013-03-09 09:02 | Report Abuse

bingo, running a country needs a detail plan, slogan/pledge not enough. pass 5 years pkr has demonstrated their overall delivery abilities, not to say perfect but generally better than bn states (except bulan state).

u r not going to win ppl by keep posting hatred msg. example minimum wage, no one argue want or don't want, but HOW to PROPERLY plan & deploy. No one argue cheap car good or no good, but HOW the infra today can too upgrade ($$$) the same time.

LET's DON'T DO ONE THING ON THE RIGHT, WHILE SHOOT OWN FOOT ON THE LEFT. pkr needs show more HOW than WHAT (which ppl already knew these many moons)

pls don't shoot me!

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2013-03-09 09:18 | Report Abuse

tak tak boom boom no worries iafx I'm not shooting u but the sulus terrorists :)


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 13:14 | Report Abuse

brother iafx, you rather prefer a corrupted government than a better government that brings more better benefits for it's people. Why must all these extra taxes goes into the pockets of the corrupted and their cronies while the Rakyat suffer silently. Now who end up being a millionaire or rather a billionaire with the FREE APs? Why can't we do away with the FREE APs & instead let the Rakyat benefit??? The FREE APs are given to certain selected people or rather I say "cronies" and did it bring chaos to the country?? Now instead of the FREE APs given to the selected few who make billions but instead of NO EXORBITANT TAXES, the government do away with the CAR APs and give the benefits to the Rakyat instead....couldn't this be a better alternative??? Could this cause chaos to our beloved country Malaysia????

The government give FREE CAR APs, that means NO INCOME FOR THE GOVERNMENT & now the government do away with the FREE CAR APs & instead let the Rakyat get their own fancy car with NO EXORBITANT TAXES.....EITHER WAY TH GOVERNMENT DOESN'T LOSE ANYTHING....SO THIS WAY IT WILL BEING CHAOS TO THE COUNTRY???? WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC THINKING???

You said bring down the exorbitant car taxes, free education, free toll, etc bring chaos to the country and not me...you are in fact shooting yourself in the foot, not me.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 13:27 | Report Abuse

....but then government money goes to the corrupted ones does not bring chaos but instead the same money given to the Rakyat will bring chaos??...where's your logic??

I say do away with the corruption totally and let the Malaysian citizens benefit....definitely NO CHAOS, haa haa haa

...and brother iafx writing something to bring benefits to the Malayian people in general is call HATRED MESSAGES?...YOU A SMART ONE AND WE ARE STUPID ONES???

Getting a minimum salary is also a HATRED MESSAGE? ...getting better minimum salary so that we have have a decent living will being CHAOS TO THE COUNTRY?????....you another Chua Soil Leg????


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-09 13:39 | Report Abuse


Is Selangor doing better? Is Khalid a better choice than Toyo.? With Toyo can you expect explicit action to better Selangor apart from self enrichment? I like Khalid's move on the water takeover, and some of the other effort taken by him. He has the experience and ideas when it comes to these areas involving water, construction, etc where his portfolio was before. Also Selangor being the riches state in Peninsula, would be good to run partially as business.

Is Penang doing better? is LGE better than Koh Tsu Koon? tsu Koon did nothing to be exact. All that was done by BN was done during Chong Eu's days. tsu Koon is a pathetic Yes man. Again if LGE did nothing it would still be better than Tsu Koon. However in this case LGE brought in his opposition experience to improve Penang. He brought in those things that he oppose most eg corruption, debts, etc to improve Penang. This however is argued otherwise by BN as their contribution. Example, if I give you a dollar and you take that dollar to pay your debt as oppose to keeping it to enrich supporters and cronies. Who will benefit? Even if it benefits the people of Penang, the effort by LGE and DAP here can only go so far. The real measurement now is who can bring in more investors and FDI to the state whilst cutting corruption as this will ensure the money is continuously flowing in to the state.

As for Kelantan, my main argument is why are the Chinese business man doing well there? Why are they not complaining about Hudud or fear of it if implemented? The only thing which we as outside ppl from the Kelantan state will complain is the segregation of gender at supermarket or cinema or maybe even lack of development but not corruption or lack of opportunity....right?

So let's ask ourselves what do we really want?.......Really....Seriously.....
My opinion we all want something....some say don't want corruption, some say, Hudud,....and the BN govt is using this to segregate the ppl. But honestly, does the 3 example show anything otherwise that we should worry? only one I can think of and that is whether they can come together right?

My answer to that is Rome was not build in one day and neither was BN. They can probably run on a single federal policy while agree to disagree and run their own state as they are....is there any diff with what there is now with BN and PR states? NO!


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-09 13:45 | Report Abuse

For those who read my comment above, check you tube for Lee Kuan Yews speeches ESP on the one where he mentioned what was the first thing he did when Singapore was independent....and the main effort take was to rid corruption and bringI integrity and efficiency...


1,918 posts

Posted by tommylou > 2013-03-09 13:51 | Report Abuse

Whereas Mahathir, took the path to preserve the majority while selling Malaysia as a landmark in Asia. So after 50+ years, we can see the difference. Why does everyone know Singapore when they do not have the tallest building or the longest bridge.....but only got to know Malaysia thought these landmarks?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 13:55 | Report Abuse

BN have no fresh ideas,whatever PR do BN will follow!


....and brother iafx, you borrow the word 'CHAOS'from BN????...see my snapshot, you got better idea lah????, haa haa haa


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 14:11 | Report Abuse

Well spoken brother tommylou , now let's see the..

Top 10 least Corrupt Countries in the World 2012


Singapore at No.5, where are you Malaysia??


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 14:22 | Report Abuse

Corruption Index Ranking South East Asia

Malaysia at No. 7 and Singapore at No. 1 as the least corrupted country.


WHY, WHY, WHY??? .....Because of Singapore better leaders & least corruption , we now see what Singapore is today.....can we say the same with Malaysia with all it's plentiful natural resources & compare with Singapore with no natural resources?

And are the people of Singapore better of than Malaysia....ask yourself why, why, why?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 14:29 | Report Abuse

Mahathir UMNO Malaysia World Most Racist



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 14:33 | Report Abuse

City Made From The Sky (English)



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 14:38 | Report Abuse

brother Frank Soweto , please give me your email address & I will ask brother chong to send you an invitation to join his forum.

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 15:24 | Report Abuse

"The announcement of the project with the concession and all the land swapping deals shrouded in secrecy, the state government had dropped all pretense of competency, accountability and transparency. Lim Guan Eng’s unwavering decision to sail against public opinion and then to openly defend his undemocratic actions was just one aspect of his one man’s executive decision process that was atypical."

excerpt from : http://dapinsider.com/?p=860

further reading http://stopthelies.my/?p=2584

KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 15:34 | Report Abuse

Anwar compromised by "honey trap"? anyone knows what it means? open to all interpretations!

"We warn Guan Eng about Tan Kok Ping and the possibility of being compromised by a “honey- trap” – just in the same way that Anwar Ibrahim himself was compromised by a “honey trap” of his own doing which damaged his credibility. Our DAP politicians must be like Caesar’s wife – above and beyond reproach."

DAP Insider – Our reasons for being and why we write


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 15:41 | Report Abuse

Alamak, now KL Hospital into politics

...what a shame indeed.

No Opposition stickers on HKL staff cars


...readers comments:

Stanley Teoh Teoh · Top Commenter
HKL director Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain... but you can display BN stickers?

Next day, there'll be a circular NOT TO ADMIT, TREAT, OR SAVE ANY OPPOSITION members/supporters?


HBKL stop getting involved in politics! You are a RAKYATS' institution!

Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain, the staffs' cars are PERSONAL PROPERTIES... and you have NO SAY WHATSOEVER on what they want to do to their PERSONAL cars!

Oscar Sim
Wow, Malaysia a "Truly Democratic Nation"! Even the Hospital Kuala Lumpur has started venturing into politics.

Oscar Sim
Next episode....."All HKL Staffs Were Barred From Living In Opposition States". Stay tuned...

Henry Por Soon Aik · Top Commenter · TARC
HKL..... Opposition Supporter or BN supporter do have same blood color which is (RED).....; Why not ban all opposition supporter for getting medical attention and as well as ban blood donation....maybe for HKL Opposition Blood taste different and smell different


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

Profitable GLC sold to ‘Umno crony’

PETALING JAYA: A government-linked company (GLC) yielding millions of ringgit in annual profit is being sold via closed tender to a firm owned by “Umno crony” Syed Mokhtar Albukhary, Rafizi Ramli said today.

The PKR strategy chief said that Composites Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM), a forerunner in composites and aerospace industry, had contracts worth RM8.26 billion for over the next five years.

According to CTRM’s 2011 income statement, made available to the media, the firm had yielded profits of RM12.94 million in 2010 and RM10.933 million in 2011, while its revenue had increased from RM256.066 million in 2010 to RM292.708 million in 2011.

But the government’s 96.8% stake in CTRM is being sold to private firm DRB-Hicom Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd, according to copies of a letter from the Ministry of Finance Incorporated to CTRM dated Aug 20, 2012.

...more here


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

stupid zealots of BN. surprised they carry the Hippocratic oath and not hypocritic one! LOL


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 15:48 | Report Abuse

BN samseng caught on camera in bukit katil,melaka holding a stone that was thrown and injured PR supporters.Why dont you sent your panglima buang batu to fight the sulu terrorists?



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-03-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

You ask for it????


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

looks like SAPP is getting warmed up for DAP Penang! So finally another opposition party admit that the so-called bringing Penang's debts down to double digit was actually using Federal funds in the purchase of the state's waterworks?


KC Loh

13,701 posts

Posted by KC Loh > 2013-03-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

bro bingo, you think Anwar also kena gantung if Jeffrey's implied questions is anything to come by?


i think that's why fast fast said no witchhunt to mamakutty if PR comes to power? i had a pro-opposition friend told me he is disappointed Anwar offer this olive branch! I think i can understand his frustration also!

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