KLSE (MYR): BIMB (5258)

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2.48 - 2.50

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9,279 comment(s). Last comment by seiluen 3 days ago


120 posts

Posted by Jolin888 > 2021-02-10 11:33 | Report Abuse

You see even gamestop got people lose so much and commit suicide there is no 100% earn in stock market


120 posts

Posted by Jolin888 > 2021-02-10 11:33 | Report Abuse

Take care of fund management

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 11:38 | Report Abuse


Do not MISLEAD people.

This is ARBITRAGE. If you do not know, I suggest you to read more books.

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

Overall, there is no LIMIT on how much or how high the Price of WA can go.

We decide how high and how much BIMB Holding PAY us upon REDEMPTION

Please understand the CONCEPT of ARBITRAGE and REDEMPTION Via Internal Reorganisation

You are COMPARING ORANGE WITH APPLE. GME is different, at least the SUBSTANCE is Different.

Suggest you to READ more books


279 posts

Posted by okdoke > 2021-02-10 11:51 | Report Abuse

@career typo


120 posts

Posted by Jolin888 > 2021-02-10 11:55 | Report Abuse

I only know if I overbuy then when t+3 retrace when banker call me add water I got no water then hai lat then the share I suppose can earn positive 100% become negative 20%.

This is called force selling I suggest you go learn how retailer behavior in stock market or you can call your broker ask them how many cases force selling everyday

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 11:57 | Report Abuse

@Jolin 888

This is ONLY your behaviour..

I am an advocate of Value Investment and Fundamental Investment.

Arbitrage is what Warren Buffett has always looked for. Similar to Peter Lynch....

I strongly suspect that you are part of Syndicates.

To all RETAIL INVESTORS, please be careful with this Jolin888

What she wrote tends to Trigger Emotion and MArket Sentiment to NEWBIES...

PLease do not fall into a victim of this fella

I observe her since long time ago.... Suspicious 100%


16 posts

Posted by asterix > 2021-02-10 12:17 | Report Abuse

I think the risk mgmt for contra trading is totally different than buy and hold. Not comparable. If you trade contra, you must budget for potential losses in that 2-3days. If you can't afford or willing to lose that, then don't trade contra. Let's not confuse the 2 methods.

Posted by Godblessyou > 2021-02-10 12:17 | Report Abuse

VWAP Price fixing TBD. Calm down guys. Still a long way to go. Take everything here with a pinch of salt.

Posted by Batman_Return > 2021-02-10 12:21 | Report Abuse

Rm4 mom. 0.39sen son. Buy bfore the ship sail

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 12:21 | Report Abuse


@Jolin888 is just a NOISE here.

I observe her for quite some time already.

If you are a CONTRA PLAYER, then should not invest in BIMB WA

because the time taken to complete the exercise is longer than the T+3

That why I am telling Jolin888 that she is not Comparing APPLE to APPLE


Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 12:24 | Report Abuse


She brought up the topic to create confusion to other NEWBIES which is in line with what a Syndicate wants

So Jolin888 is too suspicious from my experience and observation

I place her under my watch list know as "CLOSELY MONITORING PEOPLE/ SYNDICATE LIST" since long time ago

sorry to tell that

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 12:25 | Report Abuse


The Price Fixing Date is TBD and to be honest it will not be falling in Feb as I personally dealt with the IR department

So this is a good opportunity for us to push up the price and let Syndicate PUSH HARDER for us

WIN WIN Situation



606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-10 12:31 | Report Abuse

What is the target price for wd for Feb month.

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 12:35 | Report Abuse


My group and I aim to PUSH UP to Maximise REturn


23 posts

Posted by husni007 > 2021-02-10 13:54 | Report Abuse

If BIMB already decide the fixing date and the VWAP is not as per warrant shareholder target price,do the warrant shareholder have the right to reject the proposed SOA?in which part/meeting we as warrant shareholder can raise the objection/rejection?

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 14:17 | Report Abuse

Why not?

Please read my message yesterday on the procedure about CCM, Court Convene Meeting whereby WA holders will be invited to participate in thw Final Price Fixing


23 posts

Posted by husni007 > 2021-02-10 14:27 | Report Abuse

Noted on that,tqvm


24 posts

Posted by lchuanse > 2021-02-10 15:01 | Report Abuse

The reason I brought up the old article is to emphasize the important of going through your own Thought Process properly, just like the writer did.


24 posts

Posted by lchuanse > 2021-02-10 15:03 | Report Abuse

There could be few possible outcomes, not just one.

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 15:04 | Report Abuse

Please do not raise any IRRELEVANT INFORMATION here because you will mislead some newbies indirectly


2,368 posts

Posted by meistsk3134 > 2021-02-10 16:31 | Report Abuse

hmm after neelofa sign what project cause bimb.drop.


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-10 16:38 | Report Abuse

Sure die this counter... alll banking counter up.. but this drop like hell... hahaha

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 16:48 | Report Abuse

Be forward looking, pretty life, if everyone is so short sighted like you, then i would recommend you to go to Casino easier....

Posted by tingmingong > 2021-02-10 21:31 | Report Abuse

I think auditorandconsultant are correct.

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-10 23:49 | Report Abuse

BIMB WA- 畅谈屠鳄之乐

今天,又是奇迹的一天。因为我们散户又再次轻松的打了一场胜战。但是必须提醒各位散户,这场大鳄-散户之战不会那么快结束,今天才是游戏开始的第二天。我们作为散户,必须继续捍卫自己手中的凭单,继续逼着大鳄推高价格,我们一起把大鳄团团包围起来,使之无法脱离成本价位至少RM0.30 的窘境。

首先,我线给大家报喜,感谢大鳄帮我的组员轻轻松松地,收购到被你吓走的一些散户的凭单。昨天我们的组合持有8.45% 的凭单,经过你自导自演的买卖和抛售一些凭单,震动凭单股价一点点(我就称之为小插曲吧,因为没什么好怕的),我的组合轻轻松松的以比较低的价格买到不少的凭单。因此,我们截至今日5点,我们持有的凭单增加了大约0.59%,也就是说我们的组合现在持有总市场的9.04%。感谢你成功地,吓走一些散户让我们可以达到目标,增加我们持有凭单的百分比。你很成功的吓走了一些跟我们道不同的,但是你更加成功地出卖了你的客户。大鳄你机关算尽,却没有想到我们其实等着大鳄你继续割韭菜时,我们直接行个方便,免为其难帮你接收凭单,给我们达到增加凭单的目的。所以,大鳄,如果我是你老板,我一定开除你,因为你太失策了,因为我们没有给你什么好处,但是你就是无形中帮助我的组合买到便宜的凭单。


第二,我们要投诉你这个大鳄的演技太差了。昨天就来个7百万卖方大军在RM0.37,一边做卖方,一边做买方,别那么贪心啦,你老板给你的工钱不会很高啦。今天的做法也是没有什么大的差别。或是你听多了我侄女最喜欢的中国偶像团体加油男孩 TF BOYS 的《青春修炼手册》,“跟着我左手右手一个慢动作”。左手买,右手卖。话说回来,大鳄的动作还真的很慢,让我不禁想起这首歌。笑死我们。不过,你的演技真的不行,见山不是山,见水不是水,你的演技骗不了我们的眼睛。从今日起,请你继续抛售大鳄你手上的票,你做卖方就好了,买方由我这里代表买方接收这个角色,给你减轻负担吧。

第三,大鳄啊,大鳄啊。你算尽机关都不能如你所愿,你尽然效仿曹操派蒋干到东吴假意前来投诚,并想要企图扰乱我们的布局,更妄想要我们以 低价格让出我们的凭单。好彩我们从你派来的奸细口中听出很多矛盾点,加以防备,否则后果不堪设想。你派个男人来,如果你使用美人计,可能我们会上当。很期待你下一次,派来比较高难度的来给我们较量。

第四,我今天重演孔子东周列国百舌之战。大鳄们派来的有”Pretty_Life”, “Ichuanse”, “Jolin888” 全部通通都不及格。虽然没有足够证据,但是他们来者不善,他们的言语让我怀疑他们就是大鳄们的爪牙。Pretty_Life 就想企图转移散户和大家的焦点,一直说凭单到期的危险,还有说母股跌价之说。Ichuanse 呢更加不行,企图利用过期和已经失效的通告一直误导大家和散户,唯恐天下不乱,一直强调收购价格RM0.26 和失效的VWAP 日期企图制造恐慌给散户闷丢票。Jolin888 更加不堪一击,我们说着的是用现钱来买着凭单来打持久战,她企图运用Con tra Account 来混淆大家,跟她说话等于把马嘴鞍到牛头上。不仅如此,大鳄闷还不死心,招兵买马,给我机会在这个股票论坛这个平台,进行简单的辩论,也解了我10年离开辩坛,苦思辩论之苦。希望下次大鳄派个比较像样的爪牙来找我辩论吧。因为我虽然不是很强,但是我曾经代表马来西亚远赴台北打入八强,也曾经在马来西亚某个辩论赛获得亚军。统统开除以上三个,养了都浪费米粮。我已经把他们三个的名字纳入我的黑名单中称之为” CLOSELY MONITORING PEOPLE/ SYNDICATE LIST”。

第五,今天的大鳄有一点点聪明吧。懂得声东击西。大家有没有发现今天母股被打压了,价格跌了一点点,而且今天的成交量是非比寻常。其实这是大鳄要打压母股,企图制造假象给散户们害怕惊慌,误以为母股不行了,凭单也不能拿。“大鳄之意不在母股,在乎凭单之间也”。表面上打着母股的主意,事实上大鳄们打这大家手上的BIMB WA的坏主意。这点被我们都识破了,所以再次谢谢大鳄给我们机会买到便宜的凭单。


话说回来,我再次号召大家,有闲钱的人,继续跟大鳄抢购凭单,只买不卖。没有闲钱的,请继续紧紧握着保护好你的凭单。利用经济原理,当需求高于供应的时候,大家手上的凭单就是变得更加珍贵了,奇货可居啊!基于大鳄的成本被锁在至少RM0.30 ,请大家继续收购市场上罕有的凭单,把原本已经不便宜的凭单,推高得更加昂贵,一起团团包围大鳄,逼死大鳄为我们所用。大鳄现在进退两难,元气大伤,大家一起乘机把大鳄逼死吧。大鳄害人不浅,是时候报仇了,千刀万剁,都难解散户被割韭菜的心头之恨!

最后,请大家继续合作,只买不卖,逼死大鳄。大鳄们是希望散户们在明天除夕夜前,丢票。这也是我的预料之中,所以我们这里有准备,万一大鳄继续抛售凭单,打压凭单的价格,大鳄丢多少我们就收购多少。在此,我希望大家提高警惕, 请别上当,继续持有凭单,继续收购凭单。记得我们的终极目标就是利用大鳄帮我们推高股价和成交量,以便达到更高的VWAP,获取最大的利益。还有记得我们是凭单持有人,我们有绝对的权力参与母公司给凭单最后定价的会议。纵上所述,大家继续加油,继续持有凭单,胜利就在前方。


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 00:05 | Report Abuse

你已经走火入魔了...不要在这样傻下去了...人家会觉得你很好笑 fundamental and no value for warrant A how the price can up... don’t get cheat by yourself... you no like wallstreet lar... even game over also cause many ppl lose lor... be smart and professional trader.... I also wish you buy gain... but you need to know what is market

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 00:10 | Report Abuse

@ Pretty_Life

Please go back to School to study more on what is Arbitrage


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 00:21 | Report Abuse

Master sifu, pls teach me what is “arbitrage”... I really don’t know ler... I just know BIMB will become 3.8 and WA will become 0.005 soon... wahahah... but anyhow if they push up 0.600 I happy


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2021-02-11 00:28 | Report Abuse

Wao... Pretty sifu is here... Don't kacau people la

Posted by sclong91 > 2021-02-11 01:45 | Report Abuse


Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 02:45 | Report Abuse


Thx. Please ignore unimportant person above

Since they do not know what is arbitrage just ignore them.. Easier

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 08:58 | Report Abuse

Dear all,

Good news to all that my group stake in BIMB WA has been increased from 8.45% to 9.04% just in 1 day.

Today we aim to collect more at lower price and we hope that the Syndicates can continue to shake the market and trigger market sentiments.

On behalf of my group members, I would like to say thank to those Syndicates.

These few days, Syndicates had failed to lured retail investors from selling their WA.

Among the tactics used by the Syndicates are:-

1) Assigned their people to spread wrong or misleading information
2) Sent spies to approach me and tried to cheat me and my group from selling WA at lower price
3) Exerted selling pressure in BIMB Holdings to create an illusion that BIMb Holdings are not valued and worth to be held anymore which in turn trying to trigger sentiment among the retail investors to sell their WA (yesterday the volume of transactions were unusually high)

All of the above tactics are too lousy and within our expectation.

Based on the Economics Theory on Demand and Supply, I hope that every investors could continue BUYING, HOLDING and NOT SELLING to continue forcing the SYNDICATES in helping us to pushing up the price of WA so that we could enjoy the FRUITS effortlessly.

Today, my group of members are waiting for the next action of Syndicates to Shake the Market again as we want to collect WA at lower price.

Remember, victory will be attained soon and please do NOt SELL your WA because Syndicates expect retail investors to sell today.

We will COLLECT more and more. Thank you in advance to Syndicates.


16 posts

Posted by asterix > 2021-02-11 09:18 | Report Abuse

Based on 5d VWAP including today, the price should be be between 37-40cents. If push somemore, the VWAP will go up further. Last Friday close 37.5c. So the new floor price shud be around 37.5c at least.


9 posts

Posted by YC Ng > 2021-02-11 09:27 | Report Abuse

The last 5 days VWAP is 0.3638. Good to continue monitor the 5d changes.


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 09:40 | Report Abuse

The mother shares was good but wd shares was malnutrition needs more vitamins to consumes. The difference was too far away.


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 09:42 | Report Abuse

The mother shares was too fat & children share too skinny

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 09:47 | Report Abuse

Please continue to BUY and BUY

No need to worry because everything is within our expectation

My group targets to get more WA today to increase our STAKE


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 09:54 | Report Abuse

If lose how?


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 09:58 | Report Abuse

Children shares should same as mother fat that will looks good more nutrition.


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 10:05 | Report Abuse

Mother share should give some prosperity to the children shares

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 10:12 | Report Abuse

It wont happen in this special arrangement because we earn this from Arbitrage


606 posts

Posted by KLLee_0110 > 2021-02-11 10:20 | Report Abuse

Hope wd will get a good push for half day closing be top gainers & volumes


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

Hahah... your all money your all take care... I don’t want to see ppl lose money ... better be cautious and watch out... BIMB no volume and no institution wanna buy and son 2023 expired and premium above 27% and gearing super high about 10.42 ....

It will become 0.005 soon... I prefer all go other counter ... find a better warrant or mother share... don’t crazy to lose money here


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 10:52 | Report Abuse

Woh... duit sifu, you at here also ar? Your MSBD superb horseh ler.... this year all your picking share superb horseh ler... your top 1 at I3investor now... pls bring me huat ler... I wanna earn big big money... duit sifu gongxifatcai

Posted by auditorandconsultant > 2021-02-11 10:57 | Report Abuse

Pretty_Life..until now, You still do not understand the underlying transaction and the concept of arbitrage

I dont want to waste time explaining to you.

You will be jealous when everything is concluded soon


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 11:03 | Report Abuse

I really don’t also dont wan explain to me what is arbitrage... I m honestly and sincerely to ask you teach me... but you keep said I m spoiler.... but I really wish you don’t get in big trouble and big debt later... wish god bless you...


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2021-02-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

Our group will do more this year...

but Pretty sifu...I see you here so I drop by to discuss..... Do you plan to lift up this counter??

Posted by pretty_life > Feb 11, 2021 10:52 AM | Report Abuse

Woh... duit sifu, you at here also ar? Your MSBD superb horseh ler.... this year all your picking share superb horseh ler... your top 1 at I3investor now... pls bring me huat ler... I wanna earn big big money... duit sifu gongxifatcai


4,810 posts

Posted by pretty_life > 2021-02-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

Hi duit sifu, no plan to do that, cause this counter price already higher and PE more than 10% ... low volume and difficult to bring it to 10 year higher 4.5... even 4.7 also cannot stay firm ... push up and get kill by epf and other big fund ... short sell still got a lot share on hand ... very soon big shark will sell son and convert to mother


2,361 posts

Posted by scenery > 2021-02-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

Dont understand what U meant, big shark sell son already, how to convert the son to mother? pls explain.. TQ..

Posted by pretty_life > Feb 11, 2021 11:33 AM | Report Abuse

very soon big shark will sell son and convert to mother

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