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2,651 comment(s). Last comment by Philip ( buy what you understand) 5 days ago

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-06-20 11:09 | Report Abuse

Well, enigmatic [hodl your shares] is just a stupxd example and cannot accept people to criticize. In our comments already mentioned the better way to investing rather than buy and die die hold. And we didnt even talk about showing off. If you cant get the message, that's your problem.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-20 14:12 | Report Abuse

Exactly, there's nothing personal here, it's all revolving around investment and the rationale behind his decision making - which is foolish in my opinion. There's a saying that goes: " if you cant stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen ", fits perfectly in this context. If someone has the audacity to display his portfolio in public, then be ready to face disagreement, it should be expected.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-06-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

I suspect max and 618 is the same person just trying to troll as their lists are all about criticizing with no form of sharing at all. Good luck on your investing.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-21 10:09 | Report Abuse

If you insist on using a condescending tone when communicating with people, there's no sharing to begin with. It's you trying hard to shove your idea down people's throat. Scroll up and read back your own comments readers will realize this whole thread is one sided - of you trying to convince the rest of the world your stock positions are the best, and closing your ears while doing so.

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-06-21 12:05 | Report Abuse

yes exactly. just because the amount of portfolio is big then everyone here die die support. if you look carefully the return is not that high. pchem gain wiped out by harta, yinson loss. topglove gain wiped out by serba loss. overall still gain la. but in percentage wise its low. a real master knows when to buy when to sell and when to hold cash. if you're holding for many years and claim victory, you're just being lucky. not all share will move back up to it's previous high.

Posted by isupertrader > 2022-06-23 09:56 | Report Abuse

@Maxpower you seems to be pretty articulated. Would you please share your investment ideas...i.e. which is a good entry point? Your advise is very much appreciated.

Posted by isupertrader > 2022-06-23 09:57 | Report Abuse

Also if you got stock you think is a good buy, please let us know.


5,915 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-23 10:36 | Report Abuse

With discontinue ceiling price controls for chicken and chicken eggs from Jul 1, QL should start to make some money from egg and chicken business.

As of familymart I am no so sure with increase minimium salarly from RM 1,200 to RM 1,500 and utilities cost increase whether Familymart with more staff count per store able to make money.

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-06-23 12:19 | Report Abuse

Ding, officially pchem gain completely wiped out by harta and yinson loss. negative somemore


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 12:27 | Report Abuse


The bear market has rendered many companies sold at attractive valuation now from small cap to bluechip companies.

Risk management is extremely important. I'm capitalizing this opportunity to buy my way down on blue chips (approx 70%) while allocating another 30% in small-mid cap companies with a horizon of 5 years.

About 15-20% cash in hand for emergency deployment.

I'm overall optimistic in Bursa as I still believe in the economy of Malaysia.

Sector wise? I'm still long on commodities as I view current war tension to persists for at least another year (albeit knowing prices of various commodities have calmed down now (but it's still way higher than say pre-covid era) and bearish on "tech" stocks due to its rapidly evolving nature of business)


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 12:32 | Report Abuse

Make no mistake, I like QL as a company but I would like to stress that it is extremely overvalued for the growth it has posted in recent years. (That's why I keep emphasizing, a good company does NOT equal to a good investment).

For the same range of PE (though different sector), I'd rather bet my money on MRDIY (for example only, no buy call) for its net cash company turning potential AND not affected by seasonal changes as with QL. Vertical and horizontal growth potential for MRDIY is higher as the company is still in its infant stage of growth.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 13:02 | Report Abuse

@Sslee I view lifting ceiling price of poultry products a move of double edged sword. We’re talking about business here, abrupt selling price hike will certainly drive demand down. With the impending risk of recession, will people still prioritize good quality of eggs over good price to value proposition? QL eggs selling price has always been higher than its competitors, if I intend to reduce grocery expenditures, I couldn’t care less about the tiny extra omega3 nutrients in my eggs, hence I’d pick nutriplus (layhong) eggs over QL anytime.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 13:05 | Report Abuse

I’ll not touch ANY glove companies with a ten foot pole for at least 3 years until I see a clearer view of where the industry is headed to. (Despite knowing our worldwide leading position in the glove industry). In my opinion, the fundamental of glove industry has turned for the worse for obvious reasons many of you would have read in different analyst reports which I happen to agree completely with. That being said, I see further downside for the Malaysian glove players.


5,915 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-23 13:14 | Report Abuse

MRDIY share price is controlled by the big boys. How many more MRDIY stores can you open in Malaysia and Brunei before cannibalize each other.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 13:19 | Report Abuse

@Sslee The question to ask is not how many more, because they're mushrooming out at every corner in every taman. Management is certainly telling Malaysians, MANY MORE. The more important question to ask is, how can they utilize their brand name to create an ecosystem if you will for its horizontal expansion.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-23 13:24 | Report Abuse

Another perspective to view this, the so called "self-cannibalization" is another business strategy to ensure no other competitors can get close to destroying its moat. That is the beauty of economy of scale, when it's done right, the company eventually becomes a monopoly.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-24 17:52 | Report Abuse

Leveraging this comment section to elaborate further on why I'm not fond on the poultry industry in Malaysia- ceiling price set by the government basically capped the upsides of the sector, so any margin compression will lead to reduced earnings e.g labour shortage, minimum wage, oversupply of poultry products, logistics issue..etc..to make things worse, the poultry net profit margin is already razor thin to begin with. Nevertheless, dr.chia song kun has done a fantastic job in ensuring QL's earnings increase consistently during their early years.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-06-24 17:54 | Report Abuse

Before anyone comments on the lifting of poultry ceiling price, news just came in that new ceiling price will be announced soon. So..the poultry business owners are once again under the mercy of governmental policy.


177 posts

Posted by rl68 > 2022-06-24 21:26 | Report Abuse

@philip,Yinson keeps on buying back their shares almost on daily basis. Why don't they use the money to reduce their debt?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-06-27 03:52 | Report Abuse

The answer to this is cost basis. As the market currently now values almost all stocks in the market at very cheap price lower than its selling cost, for yinson it then becomes cheaper to just buy back the stock which was previously raised in pp instead of using the pp cash to reduce debt. And add most of the debt is long term debt at cheap rates, it then makes better sense to invest the money and grow capital instead. In buying back stock at cheap prices, it then saves money for dividends to lesser shareholders, and also retired stock that can be used for the upcoming listing and spinoff of the FPSO project incoming.


5,915 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-06-27 06:51 | Report Abuse

Once a profesional CEO told me SBB at price above NTA is price support for someone benefit.

SBB below NTA is value enhancement for the company.

So Topglove SBB at way above NTA was done with the aim of price support for someone benefit/ego.


177 posts

Posted by rl68 > 2022-07-04 19:04 | Report Abuse

@Philip, According to Yinson AR 2022, pg 203. Yinson has listed out its FIVE major risks. In our opinions, which risk poses the biggest challenges to the group?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-05 11:10 | Report Abuse

What is our opinions?


177 posts

Posted by rl68 > 2022-07-05 11:27 | Report Abuse

Yinson execution risks and track record are excellent. Counterparty risks might pose some risks. But so far, I see Yinson handles it well.

Posted by Investmalaysiaa > 2022-07-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

Pchem reach 10.50 also don’t want sell. Now 8.5 only. Maybe will go back to your cost price. So this is your great investment strategy hahaha


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

Watching the paint dry or watching the wallet dry? Your portfolio is officially in the red now, let the public be the judge whether or not you're just an overrated i3 celebrity,JUST BECAUSE you key in extra few zeroes at the end of your public portfolio value.

More downside to come, harta TP 1.50-1.80 due to poor mid term prospect and highly competitive sector.
Pchem..? looking at 7.5-7.8 near term due to high volume sell down..with poor sentiment in the mix.

QL valuation maybe can be sustained in the near term as it can potentially squeeze into fbmklci top 30 index. (though it still is overvalued IMO)

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-07-06 14:03 | Report Abuse

looks like watching wallet dry more kikiki

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-07-06 14:04 | Report Abuse

totally agree with @maxpowar. just because there's few more zero behind, everyone thought what he did was totally right. what a joke


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-07 10:05 | Report Abuse

Let's see if mr.watch the paint(wallet)dry would cut loss. If he does, let's see if he got the guts to update it here. Will he vanish from the platform like how he crept in not too long ago? hihihi...

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-11 13:02 | Report Abuse

Or maybe I might just start buying Tguan eh? Did you cut loss on that investment I wonder?


Maxpowar Let's see if mr.watch the paint(wallet)dry would cut loss. If he does, let's see if he got the guts to update it here. Will he vanish from the platform like how he crept in not too long ago? hihihi...
07/07/2022 10:05 AM


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-12 14:55 | Report Abuse

Eh philip don’t assume everyone is foolish as you to HODL their stock position la. Ok la, since you sound so desperate to know about my position holding in said company, I’ve taken profit when it was hovering around 2.86-2.90, pocketing a handsome 43% profit. Whether or not you want to start buying has got fak all to do with me now philip.

Meanwhile, keep bagholding harta as you sit on a 51% paper loss now ok, the trend is down, any spike is short lasting due to sentiment.Petrochemical sector is about to start its downcycle, keep bag holding it so we can enjoy seeing pchem share price drop every single day ok hihihi..

But don't you dare selling your position, because then you'd be slapping your own face for "watching the paint dry" philosophy ;)

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 06:43 | Report Abuse

Oh sure thing, everyone always seems to know when to buy and sell at the perfect timing, especially as you said you bought your position at 2.69 in one of your early posts in the group. So how did you get 43% profit taking eh? Luckily I'm the one who maintains a picnic portfolio with all my buying and selling by date and time and performance. ( I'm sure you didn't see me hold and sell my topglove, and yes it is tracked meticulously in this portfolio with every date of buying and selling). And guess what, you are full of nonsense, as my pchem was also bought high and low at 4.20, with huge dividends along the way. So why don't you run along and start your nonsense elsewhere. My portfolio is still more than double my initial start when I maintained this portfolio in 2019, even across this period ( with huge gains in topglove, pchem, kpower,scib and trades in harbor, innoprise, choobee and others), which I am sure is more that I can say for you. But then again lacking a trackable portfolio, you can say whatever you want.

Why not instead of 43% profit just say that you made 430% profit on your tguan that you are happily telling everyone to buy and peddling everywhere. I'm sure with your perfect timing and buying, you can sense with your crystal ball when exactly to buy and sell for maximum profit.

Guess what little kid, in my 40 years+ of investing( and yes I am 62) now, there is no such thing as perfect timing. There are ups and there are downs. If you can't even handle the downs, you should not be investing at all.

But guess what? I am still maintaining a 20% CAGR over 3.5 years tracked in this PUBLIC portfolio for criticism by kids like you, aka my total profit from 2019 until today is more than DOUBLE what I started with. And yes my other tracked public profile since 2008 is averaging 20% CAGR. And yes, lumps of up and downs. In investing anyone who can tell you the get 20% consistently EVERY year is either lying or a fraud.


I think you should just stop trying to actively invest and go back to fixed deposits. Or get a day job.

You seem to not understand how to invest at all.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 08:06 | Report Abuse

It’s unfortunate that many people do not become wiser as they age, in fact their mind regresses. I suspect his is how you fabricate statements out of nowhere in defense to your helplessness in seeing your portfolio tanked when your ego is as big as your mouth.

It’s not about timing the market, but knowing when to not be greedy. It’s for this sole reason you’re sitting at a massive paper loss.

You don’t have to explain in length really, it just makes you appear more shameless than you already are, comparing yourself with the likes of Warren Buffett with 20% cagr, who are you geez..

Keep boasting here and belittling everyone else who doesn’t agree with you, you are putting yourself in really bad light.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 08:12 | Report Abuse

Honestly, your tracked portfolio is becoming more like a public joke..

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-07-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

wahseh, pchem rm8 d. no need to talk those dividends la. your dividend not enough to cover the capital losses if you dispose all and at 10.5


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 10:00 | Report Abuse

I know right, those dividend meant poo given those HUGE capital evaporation.

This is only the start of petrochemical downcycle, looking at how drastic pchem share price is dropping, I think my previous TP 7.5-7.8 is too conservative, downgrading it to 7.3-7.5 in 1 month duration.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 10:04 | Report Abuse

Given the intense geopolitical situation and poor sentiment, it won't be surprising to see pchem share price drop to rm6.0.

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-07-13 10:53 | Report Abuse

7.94!!! @maxpowar tp of 7.5 is too conservative as the downcycle just started. more room to go down. pity watch paint(wallet) dry uncle

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 13:26 | Report Abuse

Much better than someone with multiple fake accounts and doesn't even keep any track record but find joy in trolling and arguing on investment forum. Waste of time. Please stick to your day job, you probably need to work 2-3 jobs.

07/2022 8:06 AM

Maxpowar Honestly, your tracked portfolio is becoming more like a public joke..
13/07/2022 8:12 AM


5,915 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-07-13 14:07 | Report Abuse

For whatever fault you may found with Philip, at least he is a gentleman running naked so that people can see and learn something new from his transparant portfolio/transactions and his dicision making process.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

Ouchh! someone starts to bark like a mad dog making false assumptions..

Guess you must've REALLY been feeling the sting now as you see your portfolio sink in the deep sea of red hahaha!

I have all day to banter with you philip, whether I need an extra job is irrelevant to you, better mind your own TERRIBLE portfolio ;)

Philip ( buy what you understand) Much better than someone with multiple fake accounts and doesn't even keep any track record but find joy in trolling and arguing on investment forum. Waste of time. Please stick to your day job, you probably need to work 2-3 jobs.

13/07/2022 1:26 PM


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 14:58 | Report Abuse

There is none to learn from an ego-driven person, someone who probably fabricate a portfolio to gain attention. God knows he's just a guy who's stucked in rat-race, pretending to be a multimillionaire.

Sslee For whatever fault you may found with Philip, at least he is a gentleman running naked so that people can see and learn something new from his transparant portfolio/transactions and his dicision making process.

13/07/2022 2:07 PM

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 15:11 | Report Abuse

So says the loser who is hanging around my portfolio page with nothing better to do in life. The problem with kids like you is you look at the zeros as more important than the journey and the process. Obviously since you have no process or logical comparative analysis in your investment you have no portfolio. And thus you are forever always not doing well in your investment or losing money and try to bring everyone else down just to make yourself feel better. Very sad indeed, kids today are so fragile and trying to troll everywhere just to feel better.

What have you really contributed in life and in i3investor except to talk a lot of noises which don't make sense, and no results at all to compare your words.

Guess what, I do. And since the only thing you can do is troll, I feel pity for a child like you and will let you enjoy whatever you want to talk about.

Or how about this, better yet. Since you know how to talk so much, why don't you start tracking your own portfolio online here on i3 with whatever imaginary numbers you want and let's see how you do over time.

Looking at your performance, I think you can start with 100 million as a starting capital on i3 and "buy" whatever shares you want. Let's see how you do over time.

I promise not to laugh. Much.


Maxpowar There is none to learn from an ego-driven person, someone who probably fabricate a portfolio to gain attention. God knows he's just a guy who's stucked in rat-race, pretending to be a multimillionaire.

Posted by investmalaysia618 > 2022-07-13 15:28 | Report Abuse

guess mr watch paint(wallet) dry is just another typical old man who likes to talk about past and share his glory days. market is changing rapidly. past performance does not equal future performance

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 15:29 | Report Abuse

You realized I doubled my money in 2020-2021 right? What are you talking good few years. And it was your advice on kpower and scib.

qqq3333 in any case this Philip had a few good years thinks he is God,

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

Not to mention your detail analysis on Tesla that make our group buy it at 450 before it jump to 1100. Thanks desa.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 15:38 | Report Abuse

You freely name whoever you interact with as "kid", that doesn't make you sound any wiser. If anything, it unleashes the egoistic and arrogant side of you.

But go on philip..if that makes you feel better..hahahaha!

I have all day long.. and yes, nothing better to do in life since money comes in every month, all I do is sit by the beach, sipping my margarita and enjoy seeing your portfolio slow bleed hahaha!

Philip ( buy what you understand) So says the loser who is hanging around my portfolio page with nothing better to do in life. The problem with kids like you is you look at the zeros as more important than the journey and the process. Obviously since you have no process or logical comparative analysis in your investment you have no portfolio. And thus you are forever always not doing well in your investment or losing money and try to bring everyone else down just to make yourself feel better. Very sad indeed, kids today are so fragile and trying to troll everywhere just to feel better.

What have you really contributed in life and in i3investor except to talk a lot of noises which don't make sense, and no results at all to compare your words.

Guess what, I do. And since the only thing you can do is troll, I feel pity for a child like you and will let you enjoy whatever you want to talk about.

Or how about this, better yet. Since you know how to talk so much, why don't you start tracking your own portfolio online here on i3 with whatever imaginary numbers you want and let's see how you do over time.

Looking at your performance, I think you can start with 100 million as a starting capital on i3 and "buy" whatever shares you want. Let's see how you do over time.

I promise not to laugh. Much.

13/07/2022 3:11 PM


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

Dah lah no wisdom, no class pulak aiyooooooo!!


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-07-13 16:05 | Report Abuse

I think we can stop at "typical old man". He's got no glory past to talk about. He probably made all these up..it's not real!

investmalaysia618 guess mr watch paint(wallet) dry is just another typical old man who likes to talk about past and share his glory days. market is changing rapidly. past performance does not equal future performance

13/07/2022 3:28 PM

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-07-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

The only fake one here is you. Look at this date of posting. When topping up post so many messages on the forum. When so called "selling" at 43% profit suspiciously quiet. But a lot of messages saying disappointed in the company for esos la what la. Come on kid, when did you exactly sell your shares in tguan and make such nice profit? Or instead become sour fruit when you lose money buying old man company like tguan hoping it will be something more just because bought at low PE? Haha, poor loser can't even get your facts and stories straight.

Let's be honest who lose more money here? You or me? Trying to talk bad about other portfolio why not concentrate on your own fake investments with 43% gain but talking nonsense sad stories on tguan forum.

Sipping margarita? Try going back to your nightmare of a career. Probably 30+ thinking you are smart borrowing money to go all in on tguan only to lose your pants and your future.

And now feeling salty and looking for someone else to blame.

Sorry kid, the only one you can blame for your bad investments is yourself. Trying to bully other people just to feel good is a waste of time.



2021-01-06 17:53 | Report Abuse

Topped up at 2.40 today. Intraday went up to 2.46. Could be a sign of rebound,...

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