14 people like this.

2,651 comment(s). Last comment by Philip ( buy what you understand) 5 days ago


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-27 21:37 | Report Abuse

Hey old eunuch,

Unlike the stewpid group full of boot lickers who don't know you're faking a portfolio and identity, here in i3 you can’t kick and ban those who disagree with you and refuse to lick your boot, HAHA!

Dah lah no brain and no balls, ego high as fak pulak. Ptui!


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-27 21:44 | Report Abuse

QL = VERY LIMITED UPSIDE WITH PATHETIC SINGLE DIGIT ANNUAL GROWTH(in fact profit has fallen due to high feedstock price), poultry industry has razor thin margin and highly reliant on feed stock price, the growth has stagnated and has reached a deflection point for downturn period.

convenience store sector has also become much more competitive with CU,emart24, 7-11 - a story that resembles the glove industy, to which the old eunuch happens to have a position in as well HAHA!


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-27 21:46 | Report Abuse

There you go, some cold hard facts for you to swallow (pretty sure your ears are closed, being the hard-headed old eunuch).


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-27 21:50 | Report Abuse

HARTA - this stock needs no more introduction haha..

6 years of business down cycle..good luck bag holding a potentially loss making company and call it watching the paint(you mean wallet) dry lol..

fun fact: JPMorgan predicted TG target price rm3.50 two years ago...indeed it realized and has fallen below their target price due to a change in business environment.. JPMorgan is giving rm1.20 target price for harta now, so good luck old stubborn eunuch hahaha


13,816 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2022-08-27 22:13 | Report Abuse

GDex ?
that was another lifetime ago.

my cost was formerly 14.5
and by a dint of miracle its 14.5 today ... now.

it means

God works in mysterious ways.
God sometimes sents Donkeys to bray to you ... ...


wink wink


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

Old eunuch fails to learn it’s not about what you buy, but how what you pay for that determines return of investment.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 06:48 | Report Abuse

I've been doing some research on manpower, realized he really is a kid. Ok I will refrain from responding to him in future as he has no idea how to invest at all...

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 06:51 | Report Abuse

First he insults others on tguan and teaches others to hold on and repeat buying at high ( he bought at rm3) and insults those who sell. Why? Because it makes him feel small and insecure that he is doing the wrong thing by parking his funds in the wrong place and needs some form of conviction. You see she has very little conviction in stock market or buying stocks at all.
by Maxpowar > 2020-11-25 11:16 | Report Abuse

@night everybody has their own way of investing,for me I’m buying a fraction of a company’s business,have 0 intention of jumping in and out,if anyone would so like to so called buy low and sell high go ahead,but it’s futile comparing different investing principles. Let’s be real,no one can “read the market movement”,market price movement is heavily influenced by sentiments and in a short term,quoting Peter Lynch,is only a random walk,very often the share price has no direct correlation with the fundamentals of the company business, as seen in tguan now. No offense,but you sound really new to the investing world.


3,095 posts

Posted by Johnzhang > 2022-08-28 06:51 | Report Abuse

This is a piece of good news for Pchem. Pchem owns 3 Urea plants with total capacity over 2 mil mt per year .


Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 07:21 | Report Abuse

And then he looks to me to try to give him peace of mind in buying QL. Who am I? Your father? If you really want to, you should just look at me portfolio on my QL purchases, which is the most accurate way of looking at how I invest:

FYI, when you asked me in December to give you confidence. You would have noticed that

A: yes I did not sell ALL of my shares in QL. And B, I did sell some when prices were speculated again when some trader decided that the price will go higher if QL included in the index. You bought. I sold. But more importantly, by not doing anything, I received 500k bonus shares for not doing anything at all. And if you look closely, I'm still not selling my shares, I'm still enjoying my dividend ( over my original cost paid which was around 500k which I paid since 2009, with bonus shares and dividends reinvested. But yes, I did not buy any new shares, but received bonus issue in 2008 (1 for 2), 2010 ( 1 for 5), I topped up 300k during the rights issue for expansion in 2014,(3 for 10 bonus issue as well), 2017 (3 for 10 bonus issue), and obviously the latest 1 for 2 bonus issue.

And so my dividend yield becomes getting 57k every year for my investment of 600k in total over the years. Meaning I am getting 9.5% dividend from QL every year.

No offense, but you sound really REALLY REALLY NEW to the investing world.

Posted by Maxpowar > 2020-12-11 13:27 | Report Abuse

Fellow QL shareholders need some confidence boost from you as you know the company well enough to justify its high PE ratio. (Yes,it’s been mentioned MANY times) but like your physical meal, it doesn’t harm to hear from positive justification thrice a day,especially from experienced investor like you.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 07:30 | Report Abuse

Unlike those sifus who tell you to buy buy but don't reveal how much they bought, what their conviction level is, and how much of their portfolio they own, I reveal exactly how much in my portfolio, how much I buy, and when I sell them. Like I said many times, QL is my legacy stock, like Coke is Berkshire legacy stock. Warren references coke ALL THE TIME, as it defines his investing methodology, he gains tons of dividends from it, and his share price has increased higher and higher over the decades. HOWEVER, what you do not see is that despite Warren's love of cola, his ownership of it did not go over the 10% mark or 400 million shares. Why? Because he is buys low, sells high or just enjoys the dividend. And more importantly he asks the question: sell and buy what?

QL for me has been the stalwart of my portfolio. For the last 3.5 years the prices have remained steady even during the huge drop in march 2020. That is QL value to me and coke value to Berkshire. A steady source of income that is growing but remains rock solid and impenetrable. That is why I reference my investment in QL so much, it is my seed which grew my entire portfolio

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 07:42 | Report Abuse

But yes, you look at my portfolio you will see I am not adding more to my QL ( but thanks to bonus shares, my ownership and dividends increases year after year.

Instead you see me piling money into my new long term growth investments, my yinson( which I bought into the rights issue), my pchem ( which I margin into), and my hartalega ( which I also margin into). And yes I sold topglove when it was definitely becoming overpriced, loss money on serba dinamik. Traded some stocks well (star, inno, pharmaniaga, choobee, kpower, scib), others not so well( hiaptek, etc etc).


More importantly, I realized kids who don't practice second level thinking and do not ask the question, why did you sell ql and these other stocks, why are you buying these stocks instead, but are not interested to criticize kind a 7 year old child who do not even bother reading a portfolio transaction group ( which i3 has already provided for breakdown), I feel truly sad for you.

Like sslee says, learn from my mistake and move on. Learn from my successes and improve on them.

No one said I was perfect and you do not see me going into those stock channels and telling people to buy stock at what price and hold. You see me saying none of those things. All I am doing is sharing what I bought, how much I bought and why I bought them, and also more importantly when I sell them

Something no one not even kyy or otb or jcchonz or whoerever is doing.

I am literally showing you long term investing live for free. And yet you still criticize and tell me to close the portfolio.

I am simply giving back to the community what I have learned for free, instead of charging money for it like so many others. Your job is to analyze and study, not to copy blindly and ask me to hold your hand and tell you what is right or wrong.

Have you ever wondered how different the world would be if Edward Jenner started patenting and charging money for his discovery?

Throwing pearls before swine indeed.


13,816 posts

Posted by i3lurker > 2022-08-28 07:45 | Report Abuse

so silly !!!

after I buy 1 lot ie 100 units of shares,
I will always ask sslee to sapu buy so that I can make profits on my 1 lot of shares.
sslee understood that I am so kind ...
I only buy 1 lot ... so that "others" can buy more


/////Unlike those sifus who tell you to buy buy but don't reveal how much they bought/////

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 07:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing John. I added 100k shares of pchem @8.50 recently as well.

But as usual, this is my take on it. The time to buy pchem is not when the good news is piling in and pchem making 8 billion in net profit every year and valued at 70 billion. It was buying pchem when it was selling at 4+ and valued at 35 billion and making 1.7 billion a year. I bought 2 million shares below rm 5 when oil and gas was not popular ( selling at 20+ per barrel), and everyone laughed and I made it 50% of my portfolio.

And now I am getting 50 cents in dividend every year, 3 years later, despite my starting point at rm8.18 cents back in 2019.


This is a piece of good news for Pchem. Pchem owns 3 Urea plants with total capacity over 2 mil mt per year .


50 minutes ago


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-08-28 08:02 | Report Abuse

I right hand sapu buy and left hand sell it for my free bintang beer and lobster.

TQVM i3lurker.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:10 | Report Abuse

Ladies and gentleman, just take a good look at this old eunuch going so far to once again create non-existent stories because his ego is struck.

just take a good look, he is boasting about his FAKE gains again (and yet he claims this page is only for SHARING purpose what a joke!)

it's not rocket science, someone with this portfolio size will NOT be posting online here in the name of sharing just because there is no profit in it, not to mention the time opportunity loss.

speaking about time opportunity loss, it's exactly what you suck at. Just look at your serbadk and now harta, anyone who follows your footstep surely is brought to holland.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:13 | Report Abuse

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

You got balls then put your profile picture up and don't hide behind the grit. Don't even demand others doing the same because it's you who post a fake(until proven otherwise) portfolio.

shame on you old eunuch, where your balls at? did they grow inwards and got sucked into your pelvis or did they regress the moment you enter stock investing?


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:17 | Report Abuse

talk is cheap, anyone can create a portfolio and claim anything under the sky they want.

tom may say he bought dutchlady when it was at rm2

dick may say he bought nestle when it was at rm5

harry may say he bought vitrox when it was rm1

where's the credibility?


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:19 | Report Abuse

For the record, kcchong has a better credibility and proven track record than you. That goes without saying.

At least he's got the guts to appear on shows/interviews and share his experience in investing.

Most importantly, he's not as cocky as you, shameless old eunuch!

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 08:37 | Report Abuse

You must be really really new to this investing world. You can ask sslee, when he questioned me on this in 2019, and I posted a screenshot and shared my account details on group, he could see my exact holdings on Maybank brokerage. You can check with him

Who are you again?


I've said it before and I'll say it again.

You got balls then put your profile picture up and don't hide behind the grit. Don't even demand others doing the same because it's you who post a fake(until proven otherwise) portfolio.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 08:41 | Report Abuse

Did your parents drop you as a child? You realize that the portfolio created publicly and tracked on i3 cannot be deleted? Why don't you try. And in fact this portfolio had been around since 2019, and everyone has access to it and many even in my group use it to see what I have bought and sold, with dates and volume. Are you somehow brain damaged enough to think that I created this portfolio yesterday? The dates have been keyed in since 2019. Volumes and profit and losses as well.

Which is why you know exactly how much I lost on serba, and yet you seem to conveniently forget how much I make on kpower, scib, topglove and pchem.

Ok up to you kid. Go back to your tguan and tell everyone to keep holding and buying more etc etc.

Sheep will always be sheep. Can lead them to water, but cannot force then to drink.

24 minutes ago


talk is cheap, anyone can create a portfolio and claim anything under the sky they want.

tom may say he bought dutchlady when it was at rm2

dick may say he bought nestle when it was at rm5

harry may say he bought vitrox when it was rm1

where's the credibility?

20 minutes ago


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:43 | Report Abuse

Whatever stories you make, you’ve lost a tonne of credibility as people start to realize you contradict yourself a lot.

On one hand, you claim no profit in showing your identity hence refuse to participate in any interviews. On the other hand, suddenly you become the generous person wanting to show the world what investing is all about? Come on laaaa..wanna lie also think deeper la

A person who is not willing to show his face would show his brokerage account details? You need urgent mental status assessment for real.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 08:45 | Report Abuse

More importantly looked at my comments. When I buy, I comment. When I sell, I also comment. With date and time. You teach me how to edit your comments on i3? As far as I know, you can only delete or post new comments. But as you know very well, your time stamp changes.

That one there is called CREDIBILITY.

Kind of like you posting your purchases into QL, supermax and tguan at all time high and laughing at those who don't agree with you buying at ath and being insulting and disrespectful when you are losing money.

Why don't you read a little bit more before putting your money to work.

Judging by your comments and your investments and purchase prices, you obviously need to spend more time reading than you do buying

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 08:49 | Report Abuse

And yet as you will know there are 1400+ people on my telegram group sharing information and discussion on stocks without the level of vitriol which kids like you have shown. I have tons of credibility. I wonder how many people would join a chat group that you have created? Let's face it, the only reason why you are talking so much here is because you have no one else to talk to that cares. Once I stop replying, you will have nothing else in life to turn to. In that case let me do my social duty and let you ramble on.


Whatever stories you make, you’ve lost a tonne of credibility as people start to realize you contradict yourself a lot.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:54 | Report Abuse

Having it tracked doesn’t make you any better as an investor, nor does it make it real when it’s not.

The more you explain the less credible you become. I hope people who read this thread will realize this thread is just a platform for an old eunuch to feed his ego. If anyone is keen to learn about investing, kcchong is a MUCH BETTER person to go to, rather than reading some cocky old eunuch talk about his past and offer no value to the society. One leg into the coffin already still acting like a child.

I think you will jump out from your grave when someone shares their bearish opinion on ql harta pchem haha..


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 08:59 | Report Abuse

Out of 1000 people in the group, only 3-4 active users comment regularly, the rest are silent and I’m not even sure if you made them up too for god knows what reason. Those 3-4 people are the ones who lick your boot, in other times they’re the ones you use as puppet to scuttlebutt infos you want to know in their industry. Where are the rest one might wonder? Simple, they are all kicked out because they share a different opinion. If you can’t accept opposing views, it’s best to isolate yourself la old man.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 09:08 | Report Abuse

Ok troll. Whatever you say. Time to go back to your tguan instead ok?


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 09:11 | Report Abuse

Nothing to defend right because you know I'm speaking the truth and calling you out for a reason. If anyone wants to learn investing/trading, they will always go to the reputable ones with good track record.

who are you?

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 09:18 | Report Abuse

Talk about contradiction. When you admit that it is tracked, then you say my results are not good. I never said my results are good, but I'm just saying that this are my results based on my investment philosophy ( 20% CAGR, returns to date over 3.5 years 48%). Whether or not you believe it to be real or fake is totally up to you, but even if you don't believe it, the performance on paper is real by i3 recorded standards. Are you upset that my results are so much better than your over the same period and you cannot understand why? Transactions are all there in writing. I can't really help you if you don't know how to read. More importantly, you are definitely upset that your results over the last 4 years are poor and negative? Then get over it and learn.

FYI if you actually took the time to look at kcchongz portfolio results over the same period, his total returns was less than sp500, around 6% before fees. If you want that kind of returns, totally up to you. I personally prefer putting my money in EPF then whose results are net net at least


Having it tracked doesn’t make you any better as an investor, nor does it make it real when it’s not.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

someone who sprung out of no where in 2019 and claims to have invested in bursa stocks, it takes someone with dullard mentality as low as yours to believe in this load of bull crap.

how about this old eunuch, if you really want to help people, write a book, join youtube interviews to share your success and failure in a humble manner, not creating a fake portfolio and using peter lynch as profile picture(don't disgrace him by the way) and spend most of the day replying comments on i3.


312 posts

Posted by Maxpowar > 2022-08-28 09:27 | Report Abuse

Again, your transactions here means fak all because there is no accountability and no one to counter check. Based on the way you bad mouth about kcchongz, you seem to be jealous of him and freely assume you know about his total returns better than he himself knows.

You got no class at all, old man..

Posted by Investmalaysiaa > 2022-08-28 09:48 | Report Abuse

Someone compared QL with Coca Cola. You’re thinking you’re Warren buffet? Hahahahahaha

Continue to dream in your fantasy land ba. Coca Cola has the best recipe in the world. No one can create something close to it. Not even Pepsi. Plus Coca Cola brand name alone is worth a lot. Does QL has the best kept recipe? Can QL grow like Coca Cola? Not to forget QL share price has gone up a lot.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 09:52 | Report Abuse

So sad, it seems you don't read at all. He has already posted his portfolio since 2015 kid. I know him far far better than you think. Just like I know that EPF is having better results than your own portfolio, otherwise you wouldn't be here talking so much nonsense and looking forward to a 5% return on your portfolio. Looking at the way you talk, you portfolio must be down by a lot.

Here is a stock tip for you to give you some confidence.

Please sell all your stocks and top up your EPF contribution. At least EPF with their fixed income assets is still giving much better returns than your "active" gambling and your funny concepts in tguan and other sticks


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 09:55 | Report Abuse

Put it this way loh!
Although Raider had alot of disagreement with Philip loh!
But i do believe, Philip is a person of substantial means mah!
Yes Philip is arrogant & bashful, but i do see Philip showing his investment & tracking his performance is done with very well intention loh!

Looking at Philip portfolio, i only see 1 stock, that in raider view can be proud of, as good performance, that is pchem loh! But should u buy more leh ?? No loh.....to me it is now fairly value loh! The best is a hold call for this stock loh!

I also like Philip decision to continue accumulate hartalega at Rm 2.00 below loh!
Although it is losing money now, but in longer term, it will likely to prove to be highly profitable mah! However This is position in unable to cover his old holding loss position on harta at Rm 6.00, but i think it will reduce substantial some of its losses eventually, with his decision to average loh!
Philip advice to invest for longer term is a good advice loh!

Philip other stock picks in his portfolio are damn lousy loh!
It is likely to run into big losses eventually in the long run loh!
Better to sell & switch to Sifu Sslee favorite Bplant, tsh & Insas for better performance loh!
As for dividend Philip is getting....it is nothing to shout about....looking at his portfolio mkt value, it is below fixed deposits rate loh!

In investment u can never avoid some losses, but u must understand whether this losses are temporary or permanent loh ?
If temp u hold on loh!
If permanent u cut mah!

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 09:58 | Report Abuse

For me pchem fair value I feel is rm12. At 8.50 I am still looking to pick up more of I have money.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 10:01 | Report Abuse

Petchem business is cyclical mah....u pick the business when it is cheap & not chase when it is high or fairly value loh!

Stick to the concept...of invest with big margin of safety....we will never go wrong loh!

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

This one I agree 100%, something which kids like max will never understand. He always thinks stocks should only go up and up and up, and if not going up it is not performing.

But that is not how businesses work.


Petchem business is cyclical mah....u pick the business when it is cheap & not chase when it is high or fairly value loh!


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-08-28 10:15 | Report Abuse

I regret no selling my Insas and Bplant when it was RM 1.20.
If I had sold then, I would have capital to buy back later and hold more Insas and Bplant share by now. My mistakes and I learn from my mistakes and move on.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 10:17 | Report Abuse

That is trading loh!
U must learn from sifu philip....the art of longterm investment & not trading loh!

U must have patience mah!

Posted by Sslee > 38 seconds ago | Report Abuse

I regret no selling my Insas and Bplant when it was RM 1.20.
If I had sold then, I would have capital to buy back later and hold more Insas and Bplant share by now. My mistakes and I learn from my mistakes and move on.


14,786 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-08-28 10:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

Something for people like ilurker, Charles and all the rest of the wannabe star investors to learn about. Stop trying to time the market and instead spend more time in the market

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

But yes, you look at my portfolio you will see I am not adding more to my QL ( but thanks to bonus shares, my ownership and dividends increases year after year.

Instead you see me piling money into my new long term growth investments, my yinson( which I bought into the rights issue), my pchem ( which I margin into), and my hartalega ( which I also margin into). And yes I sold topglove when it was definitely becoming overpriced, loss money on serba dinamik

U never time the mkt so u sold all yr TG (which u claimed u bought many years ago yr cost very low blah blah blah) below Rm3.00 by May 2020 and happily made few millions RM (later on it's price shot up to almost RM10 in Aug, 3 month later u knew very well how much was yr opportunity loss n u can hardly sleep for many many months till this year)

U never time the market (or u simply have no clue what is happening in world glove mkt or yr ego is too high to blind yr eyes) so u bought Harta in Sep/ Oct 2021 at RM6+ for its very good div RM0.30+ then.......n continue to buy lower n lower down averaging till RM1.60+ n I believe U still can happily to do so for the next 2 years......

It seems U are a very happy long term investor....I respect that.......


14,786 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-08-28 10:19 | Report Abuse

Though many here may see u as Thai Ling Ngong lah......


14,786 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-08-28 10:20 | Report Abuse

But as long as u are happy...yr money is yr money dont diu all the kids here....

Blow ah


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

Learn from history loh!
Great empire & great wealth are created over long run....& not build overnight loh!

Those overnite wealth ....has no sustainability of preservation mah!

Lu tau boh ?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 10:25 | Report Abuse

Philip with portfolio of Rm 50m shares should be consider rich as a share investor mah!

Not easily to achieve mah!


14,786 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-08-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Though many here may see u as Thai Ling Ngong lah......

Philip even u are a Thai Ling Ngong but u are a very rich Thai Ling Ngong....much much better than those poor smart kids like me n others here


14,786 posts

Posted by CharlesT > 2022-08-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

So U won.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-08-28 10:28 | Report Abuse

HAiyaaah just give Philip a break mah!

He is just trying to educate the mkt mah!

Good intention mah!


5,913 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-08-28 10:35 | Report Abuse

Philip sold his inlaw Public Bank share and buy Pchem in 2019 at RM 8+.
By 2020 he had to sell Topglov to average down Pchem cost at 4+ and 5+ otherwise he do not know how to face his inlaw.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 2022-08-28 10:39 | Report Abuse

If you hold your stock long enough you will notice when people are speculating on it. If you look at my transaction group for pchem and QL, you will notice when people were over speculating, and those were the times when I sold for small profit to pay for my rotary charities, my margin reduction and funds to pay for other things.

Yes for insas and bplant one of the hardest things is to analyze what is fair value for you to sell and what is speculative value. It is just so hard to quantify for insas.

For me take for example insas. The main method for them to make money is by investing in new business ( vigcash, inari, roset, dome coffee, etc etc) pump it with money and make it grow and list and sell the shares. The others like brokerage business is ok but is nothing special and will not grow much. However the biggest question mark has always been consistency. For insas to reach higher, they have to be able to consistently show the ability to find the next inari. And since we cannot definitively know how consistently this will happen, that is the main reason why price is stagnant for such a long time. That is why it becomes so hard for investors to find fair value for insas and most decide to step away. I would much rather invest in a business with consistent growing boring returns year after year, much easier to calculate fair value.


I regret no selling my Insas and Bplant when it was RM 1.20.
If I had sold then, I would have capital to buy back later and hold more Insas and Bplant share by now. My mistakes and I learn from my mistakes and move on.

56 seconds ago


3,095 posts

Posted by Johnzhang > 2022-08-28 10:40 | Report Abuse

There may be short term challenges to a large portion of Pchem businesses, but longer term prospects remain very bright . Bear in mind Pchem had very low feedstock cost from Petronas that shall make it surviving tough time . Good time will return.

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